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Harmony Road Level 1 (Reserved)

In this class, we focus on the fundamentals of music. We'll be playing hands separately, singing fun songs and solfege, reading our first five notes in both clefs, and playing rhythms on a variety of percussion instruments. Students will also get to participate in our school-wide recital at the end of the semester! This class meets once a week for 55 minutes, with a maximum class size of eight students. Parent participation is required.

The cost above includes a materials fee of $25. Pay by cash, check, or Zelle and receive a discount of over three percent off the online price! Just select "Manual Payment" at checkout, and we'll email you regarding payment.

Harmony Road Level 1 (Reserved)


Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:25 a.m.
First Class: September 14
Last Class: January 18
No Class: Oct 12, Nov 30, Dec 21, Dec 28
Recital: Saturday, January 25 (afternoon)
Session includes 15 classes
Taught by Mr. Kevin

Orange tilted treble clef
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